This section, Health & Safety Regulations, relates to exhibitors complying with safe work practices. There are very specific Health & Safety Regulations in Australia that all exhibitors must comply with.
All Exhibitors, contractors, subcontractors and other persons working within the confines of the Exhibition, including the loading dock, must abide by the provisions of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, QLD
Important: The law states that all persons have a responsibility to ensure that personnel contracted by them are aware that they have a responsibility, so far as reasonable practicable, for the health, safety and welfare of all employees and that any plant or systems of work which may be used are safe and without risks to health.
Accident prevention is strongly emphasised. Please report any hazardous conditions, accident or injury directly to Exhibition Organisers (Exhibitions and Trade Fairs).
Exhibitor & Contractor Compliance:
All exhibitors at the venue during bump in and bump out must read and acknowledge they have understood the BCEC Site Specific Safety Information, which can be accessed by this link and/or the QR Code below:
Please note: this is BCEC site-specific information only.